Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Arts for Autism" 3rd Annual Arts Show for Charity!

Friday, August 5, 2011
Think you know your Spa Myths?
Who doesn't know everything these days? From the internet to reality shows of every sort, knowledge is inescapable! But do you think that you are a Spa expert? Do you know all there is to know about the Pure lifestyle? Then take this short quiz to see if you know your stuff!
1. True or False: You can’t use moisturizer if you have oily skin.
2. True or False: If you wax, your hair will grow back thicker, faster & darker.
3. True or False: You have to be naked to get a massage.
4. True or False: Artificial nails are the best solution for problem nails.
5. True or False: Pregnant women cannot be massaged.
6. True or False: Popping pimples will make them disappear.
7. True or False: It’s got to hurt to be effective.
8. True or False: The higher the SPF, the better the protection.
9. Spa trips are a luxury and are only for special occasions.
Answer key:
1. FALSE! Most moisturizers are non-comedogenic, which means they won’t clog your pores. In fact, what most people don’t realize is that if you have oily skin, it is most often the result of DRY SKIN! Basically when your skin is dry, it sends a signal to your sebaceous glands telling it to produce oil in the hopes of trying to balance out your skin. But the result is just globs of oil on your face! (Normally the only exception to this is anyone around the age of puberty in which it is hormones, not dry skin causing the oil.) So moisturizer is just what oily skin really needs!
2. FALSE! Waxing gets hair from the root, which means you will stay smooth longer, but has no effect on the composition of your hair!
3. FALSE! You can undress to your comfort level and still leave feeling relaxed and refreshed!
4. FALSE! Covering up nail problems will not make them go away and may even make them worse. Artificial nails can trap moisture, providing an excellent environment for bacteria and fungus to grow
5. FALSE! Massage is perfectly safe in all trimesters of normal pregnancies and actually can be beneficial. Pure Spa does recommend that you get your physicians approval.
6. TRUE & FALSE! While popping may make the pimple itself go away, you may find yourself with a permanent SCAR! You may have heard the saying, “there is a time and a place for everything.” Well this is true when it comes to ridding yourself of those zits! Popping them at the wrong time will leave you with a face full of scars, and those are ten times harder to get rid of then the original problem! And believe it or not, but there is a science to pimple popping, one that only a licensed esthecian knows! So please for the sake of that beautiful face, go to the professionals!
7. FALSE! While it's not for everyone, many people benefit greatly from deep tissue massage as it releases tightness deep in the muscles, tendons, fascia, relieving discomfort in the body and allowing more freedom of movement. There may be some discomfort as the tightness is being released, which should stop as soon as the therapist releases pressure. There should never be true pain during the massage. It's not about "no pain, no gain". The key is to communicate with the massage therapist so the depth of the massage is right for you!
8. FALSE! In actuality, any SPF that is higher than 50 is giving you no added protection! In fact the FDA is currently in the process of enforcing harsher provisions on all SPF’s over 50, because they are simply nothing but an advertising gimmick. But make sure you are lathering up with at least SPF 30 to stay safe! Additionally, if you’re not using a broadband spectrum SPF, (which is the kind that protects you against UVA, the rays that cause cancer and signs of aging, and UVB rays, the kind that burn your skin,) you’re not getting the proper protection you really need!
9. FALSE! Do you exercise only on special occasions? Massage is not a luxury, but a necessity! Massage has proven health benefits. Stress reduction, lower blood pressure and increased flexibility are just a few. Is it really a “luxury” to take one hour a week to do something good for you? We don’t think so.
So how did you do? Are you a spa savvy or do you need a little refresher course? No matter what your spa knowledge level, Pure Spa is always here to answer any and all your questions! Just head to our Facebook page and click on our “Ask a Therapist” (Welcome) link! There you can submit your questions, anonymously if you so choose, and you will receive an answer soon after!
Friday, April 22, 2011
It’s “slough your skin” season, are you ready for the big reveal?

The first extremities we reveal as spring arrives are those desperately mangled toes, hidden for months behind socks and shoes. They find salvation with a pedicure, buffing, exfoliating away our winter woes. As the weather turns warmer, the rest of our body follows suit. Tank tops, camisoles, and shorts take center stage. Your body sends out an S.O.S. and you respond by slathering on lotion, sunless tanners and the like, when REALLY all your body wants is a great primer to summer. Yes ladies and gents- an exfoliation. Pure Spa is here to the rescue! We offer a luxurious, full body, honey sugar body polish that combines the best of both worlds- hydrating exfoliation with light massage. Remove that excess debris, because that is so last season! Rejoice as you confidently strut around in your newest spring outfit! There is no time like the present.
1 hour treatment: $120
Friday, March 4, 2011
“Eat Right with Color” vs. Healthy Skincare

Every year the American Dietetic Association raises awareness for National Nutrition month. The theme for March 2011 is “Eat Right with Color.” Did you know that even if you follow a good skincare regimen, food also plays a critical role in healthy skin?
The top 5 best foods to maintain, clear, beautiful skin are:
1.) Green Tea: The anti-inflammatory properties cannot be beat! It also helps to protect us against the harmful sun rays when ingested.
2.) Salmon: Essential fatty acids (also walnuts and flax seed!) are essential to protecting the cell membrane, which protects us against environmental factors. Most of us lack Omega 3s.
3.) Berries: specifically, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries have the best “total antioxidant capacity” of any food
4.) Low fat dairy products: vitamin A rich dairy foods help the digestive system, which in turn leads to healthier appearing skin.
5.) Water: the biggest dietary no brainer is WATER. Drink away to flush your system of toxins for a fresh, radiant complexion.
That old adage that, “we are what we eat” rings true with skincare. Coupling a facial every 4-6 weeks with eating well will lead to a fresher, more vibrant, you! Pure Spa is celebrating with a Berry Cherry facial this month for National Nutrition month!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
How to make a chocolate mask

Its true ladies- eating chocolate is good for you because of the antioxidant benefits. The darker the chocolate, the better it is for you. Chocolate is also good for your face. The guiltless benefits a chocolate facial mask provides are limitless. Cocoa supplies beneficial antioxidants to prevent aging. Honey hydrates, and oatmeal exfoliates.
To make your kitchen cocoa concoction, combine the following: 1/3 cup of cocoa, ¼ cup of honey, 2 tbsp of heavy cream or sour cream, and 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix to its consistent and have your “valentine hunny” apply the mask with gentle massage. Have him (or her) take notice to the skin sloughing as the oatmeal exfoliates. Leave mask to sit 20 minutes, so the cocoa properties can penetrate deeply. Add some music and candlelight as you wait and relax. Rinse off to reveal beautiful skin , for a beautiful finish to your Valentine's evening.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Valentine's Day, the "Hallmark" holiday

So how do we put all these preconceived notions of Valentine's Day to rest? Is it possible to get back to any real "true" love meaning associated with the holiday? "Forget me not..." is Pure Spa's Valentine's Day theme this year. This tag line poses as a reminder to couples that, regardless of the commercial hype, try to allow yourself to get back to the basics and glean your own personal meaning from the holiday. Try something different! Fore go the dinner and a movie. Fore go the cheesy box of chocolates. Invest in an experiential date. Rather than indulge your taste buds, choose to indulge your other senses. We offer aromatherapy treatments, togetherness massage, and facials. Pamper your Valentine, and create an experience that is truly memorable long after the roses die, the box of chocolates is eaten, and the food is digested.
For those who are single, rather than "forget me not," "forget yourself not". Who cares if you don't have a special someone? Take care of yourself, feel good, and look good. Buff those nails, get a facial, detox with a body treatment, or learn new make up tips. Long after Valentine's Day comes and goes, a mere blip on the calender, create a lasting experience with Pure Spa.