Its true ladies- eating chocolate is good for you because of the antioxidant benefits. The darker the chocolate, the better it is for you. Chocolate is also good for your face. The guiltless benefits a chocolate facial mask provides are limitless. Cocoa supplies beneficial antioxidants to prevent aging. Honey hydrates, and oatmeal exfoliates.
To make your kitchen cocoa concoction, combine the following: 1/3 cup of cocoa, ¼ cup of honey, 2 tbsp of heavy cream or sour cream, and 3 teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix to its consistent and have your “valentine hunny” apply the mask with gentle massage. Have him (or her) take notice to the skin sloughing as the oatmeal exfoliates. Leave mask to sit 20 minutes, so the cocoa properties can penetrate deeply. Add some music and candlelight as you wait and relax. Rinse off to reveal beautiful skin , for a beautiful finish to your Valentine's evening.